
I have a great interest in playing badminton and I have been playing badminton for a very long time now. I know there is high scope of improvement in the game. I joined PS so that I can achieve my expectations, and this club has helped me in doing so.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I became aware of my advantages and disadvantages as I played and practised badminton. Knowing my skills and flaws really helped me play better and continue to get better. Knowing my talents and flaws is essential because it’s the only way you can improve. This also helped me make my body more active than before.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The challenge I faced was that my body was not flexible and not that active to respond to the shot at perfect time or analyse it before time so that I could counter. This problem led me to play a bit worse than my friends. This internally made me sad but my teachers helped me overcome my challenges and now I will be playing for an inter school competition under 17 boys category.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Because I’m not an usual athlete, I had to demonstrate dedication and tenacity. I had to be committed because I had to work a lot to develop my game; otherwise, neither my speed nor my game would have advanced. It is vital to demonstrate dedication because doing so results in growth and improved performance.

In Conclusion, I enjoy playing badminton, so achieving this objective of getting fit gives me a sense of success. The importance of physical activity for your body is one thing I took away from this activity. After taking this into consideration, I’ll make time for exercise even when I’m under stress from a huge amount of work in the future. Also in this there were players of different gender and better than anybody else. Thus PS gave me a quality education about the game of badminton.

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