Volunteer for ISSO organising comitee

I was a volunteer at the ISSO(International school sports organisation) event which was held in our school this year. My role was to escort teams to their venues and provide assistance for organising the event and monitoring if everything was going as planned and if not then correcting the problem. The event was held for 5 days in which there was a social event, school parade, main matches and award ceremony. There were many things I learned during this experience like how to organise a big event like this, what all things should be taken care of, how the members should be allocated with their tasks and many other things. The learning outcomes I learned are given below.

LO1 – Identify our own strengths and area for growth

I developed my skill of organising an event at big scale as many schools from all over India participated in this event so they should provided with the facility of food, resting place, grounds for each age group, and many other facilities which the players and coaches need. I learned how to provide the teams with all these facilities without facing any issues. I also learned how to tackle problems like we were short on the number of grounds in comparison to the number of categories participating. So the organising team asked nearby schools to provide us with football grounds. Similarly, I learned other skills which are necessary for organising an event.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

As stated above there were problems faced during the event like there were disputes between teams and injuries during matches which needed urgent attention and quick decisions were to be made by which I learned how to make quick decisions.

LO3 - Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

We had to plan the event before hand since many schools from all over India were participating and everything had to be go smoothly so we planned everything from diving tasks to volunteers, ground allocation, team allocation, transportation of teams to different grounds, food, social events, award ceremony and many other things. So, I, as a volunteer was given my tasks that were to be taken care of.

LO4 - Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

This event was held for 5 days so we had to wake up early everyday, come to school and escort the teams to their respected locations, provide them with facilities and help them whenever needed the whole day and we were free after 7pm at night. So, we had to stay committed to our tasks through the day for continuous 5 days.

LO5 - Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

There were many other volunteers other than me so we had to work collaboratively and keep changing the location of duties so that there are enough volunteers at each grounds for sufficient assistance and each volunteer has time to take breaks as they have to work for the whole day.

LO 6 –
By organising ISSO I demonstrated engagement with global significance in several ways. Firstly, this tournaments promote physical activity and a healthy lifestyle among participants, addressing global issues related to obesity and associated health problems, which are prevalent concerns worldwide. Secondly, this event fostered sportsmanship and unity among participants. Values like teamwork and fair play, emphasized in sports tournaments, are essential qualities for addressing global challenges, including conflicts and social divisions. Furthermore, ISSO involved participants from diverse backgrounds. This promoted cultural exchange and understanding, contributing to the resolution of global issues related to cultural clashes and misunderstandings. Moreover, ISSO had both girls teams and boys teams therefore promoting gender equality. Lastly, through ISSO we were able to spread awareness about frisbee as a sport in participants by demonstrating g a game by the professionals and then letting the participants play play frisbee where they enjoyed learning a new sport.

LO 7 –
Organizing ISSO played a significant role in recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions. Firstly, it involved decision-making at various levels, from scheduling matches to enforcing rules and ensuring fair play. These decisions required us to contemplate the ethical implications of our choices, such as ensuring a level playing field for all teams, addressing issues of sportsmanship, and upholding the principles of fairness and integrity in the competition. This process encouraged us to think critically about the ethical dimensions of their actions and prioritize values like honesty, respect, and fairness in their decision-making. Secondly, the tournament provided a platform for teaching participants, including students, coaches, and referees, about the importance of ethics in sports. Coaches instilled values like teamwork, respect for opponents, and adherence to rules, fostering an ethical foundation for young athletes. All these aspects of the tournament experience contributed to a broader understanding of ethical considerations in both sports and life, emphasizing the importance of making responsible and ethical choices in various situations beyond the football field.

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