Internship – Research (Creativity)

I did an economics internship for 5 weeks with NITI Aayog’s assistant director which was organized by SUPROS. This 5 week internship required me to work in a group 4 where each week we were assigned to do a project and discuss it in the next class. I applied my critical thinking skills, social, communication and research skills to do the same.

Learning outcome 1 - Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

The internship was economics based and while I have a lot of interest in the subject, I do not have knowledge about it in a professional work setting. The internship helped get an exposure about it and I was able to identify that my strength which is conducting research.


Learning outcome 2 - Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

My communication skills are really bad however, this internship required me to present my project or presentation each week which assisted me to develop and work on my communication skills. Also working in a group is not exactly something I am best at, there were opinions that were contradicting to each other, however, through this internship I learnt how to cooperate with team members.


Learning outcome 5 - Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I used research skills to complete my projects which were heavy on economics. I then used critical thinking to derive conclusions based on statistics and the information presented. Further, I used communication skills to present my project in front of everyone. Throughout the internship, we were divided in groups of 4 and working in a group even though sometimes difficult really enabled to bring out the best of our works since we used strengths of everyone.

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