Global odyssey 3.0

Global odyssey was an event organised by the economics and Business management committee of our school on 23rd march. My friends and I had a food stall with french cuisine at the event where we sold 2 items: chocolate fondue and french toast.Below are the list learning outcomes. This  I covered by this experience.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I learned about different aspects of business during this event like marketing accounting, operation management etc. as there were other people who had their stalls selling food and other things. So we had to use different skills like marketing to attract more people, accounting to handle the money we get and operation management for providing the buyers the food and time and with the best quality even when there are too many of them.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

There were many unexpected instances during the event like sudden increase in buyers during which we had hard time managing accounts and operation as we had to take care that everyone had paid appropriate amount as per their ordered dish, everyone received their dishes and it didn’t take too long to get each customer to get their order and also we had to maintain the quality of the food, all at the same time which made us learn management skills.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience

My partners for the stall and I had plan this CAS as we had to decide what food dishes we would sell, estimate what amount of ingredients we would need, what culinaries we would need to buy and how much of them based on the number of people given to us. Also we had to decide the distribution of ingredients each partner had to buy based on the location we have because different location have different prices for different products so that we can reduce our costs as much as we can.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

As told before, I had other 2 partners with me. We collaborated with each other so that we can manage all the tasks at ones like managing accounts, making food for all the buyers, attracting as many customers as we can and buying all the ingredients for the event. We also distributed our work as per each persons speciality increase our efficiency as much as we could.

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