Hindi Bhasha Divas


Hindi, an ancient language derived from the world’s first language, Sanskrit. Hindi is the official language of India. But in the fast moving world, we Indians have tend to disregard speaking Hindi in our day-to-day life, and have opted to converse in the international language, English. It is necessary for us to celebrate the joy of getting gifted with such a precious language, Hindi. On the occasion of Hindi Bhasha Divas or Hindi Day, my friend and I installed a stall at the school event. The Hindi Bhasha Divas is celebrated to commemorate the date 14 September 1949 on which a compromise was reached—during the drafting of the Constitution of India—on the languages that were to have official status in the Republic of India. At the stall, we invited diploma pursuing students and their respective teachers of our school to play Hindi related games and have fun whilst remembering the official language of India. At the stall, we prepared for games such as translation of well-known song lyrics and famous actors’ and actresses’ dialogues from the movies of the 19th century. 


Whilst having fun organizing and playing such games on the Hindi Bhasha Divas, below mentioned are a few learning outcomes of the CAS experience : 


LO2 – [ Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process ] 

Organizing such a stall by 2 people (my friend and I) at events with a decent amount of public was a challenge. We were known to the fact that we were selected to set up a table at the event late. Therefore, it was difficult and challenging for us to brainstorm an interactive, fun and learning full game for people of different ages; collect the needed resources; and prepare for the game. Though, with time management and organizational skills, we as a pair were successful in setting up such a stall which attracted a large number of audience. 


LO3 – [ Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience ] 

As mentioned earlier, our workstation was able to attract an impressive number of audience. This was because of the creativity in our ideas that we put together into the games that we made the visitors play. From planning to gathering resources to execution, each and every step was done solely by me and my friend. This explains into words how we demonstrated and initiated the CAS experience successfully from scratch. 


LO5 – [ Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively ] 

On the day of the fest, the stall was set up with the hard work and the contribution of me as well as my partner. We divided the tasks equally amongst each other as per the skills we inherit and also keeping in mind the comfortability of each other. Collaboratively we succeeded in making our workstation a hit in the fest. Only because of teamwork were we able to plan and execute our ideas on the 14th September.


LO7 – [ Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and action ] 

Irrespective of the region from where one originates in India, Hindi plays a significant role in one’s culture as well as his/her cultural identity. As respect and value of the language is deteriorating day by day, we as a pair decided to consider the emerging ethical concern and take such actions which provide the audience with knowledge. 

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