Decor and management for Republic day event for MYP students

This was the 2nd event that i participated in after french immersion and i this event i learned many things and also it required many plannings because we didn’t want this event to be be a normal/boring event . So, after 3 days of planning and coming to school early-in . The most difficult process was decoration . During this event 2 team members quit the event management team due to this many problems arised like less people to work for a huge project and also increase workload of everyone . This led to increase in arguments between our team members because everyone was complaining about the workload .

LO1 - Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

My strengths were freely communicating with people and my weaknesses were my lack of collaboratively working with the team . I was already aware that i cannot work with people collaboratively and felt like it was important for me to learn to work with people collaboratively .Knowing our strengths and weaknesses can also help us make informed career choices. By identifying our strengths, we can choose a career that aligns with them, which can lead to greater job satisfaction and success. Similarly, knowing our weaknesses can help us identify areas where we need to improve to achieve our career goals.Understanding our strengths and weaknesses can also help us build better relationships with others. By knowing our strengths, we can leverage them to contribute to our relationships, and by understanding our weaknesses, we can communicate our limitations to others, which can help them understand and support us.knowing our strengths and weaknesses is important for personal and career development, building better relationships, and developing self-awareness. It can help us make better decisions, communicate more effectively, and grow as individuals. I worked on how to work collaboratively with people who you don’t know or haven’t talked much . If i had already overcome my weakness it would make less fights between team members and would make all the decorations fast .

LO2 - Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The challenging part was to make this event interesting make more enjoyable and informative for myp students . I was challenging because its republic event and we couldn’t think of much decoration or fun activities because we couldn’t find more activities related to republic day and it was difficult because it was my first time . We solved this challenge when we got a idea to take a quiz with students randomly when they are making posters and to play energetic and republic songs while they are making posters . The difficult part was to give the students the papers , colours and sketch pens and take them back after they complete the poster making and it was more challenging because we had to handle 3 grades together . We also overcame it by dividing the team to supervise and take care of their needs so it would be less load for the team . After we had overcome this challenge we were in a big relief .

It is important for us to take new challenges because –

  1. Expand Our Comfort Zone: Taking on new challenges can push us outside of our comfort zones, which can be uncomfortable but ultimately leads to personal growth and development.
  2. Develop New Skills: Taking on new challenges allows us to develop new skills and knowledge that we may not have had before. This can help us grow and become more well-rounded individuals.
  3. Increase Confidence: Successfully completing new challenges can increase our confidence and self-esteem. This can help us feel more capable and empowered to take on even bigger challenges in the future

LO5 - Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Working with others is generally difficult for me cause i always prefer to do all the work by my own . I solved this problem by talking with my team member and telling them to be serious about this event because only very few people in the team were working and it was difficult for me just ignore how they just used this event as a reason to bunk their slots .Working collaboratively was the most important thing to do in this event because we had less time and handle 3 grades

Why is it important to be able to work collaboratively with others?

  1. Increased productivity: Working collaboratively can lead to increased productivity as it allows individuals to divide tasks and responsibilities. Collaborating with others allows individuals to learn from each other, and this leads to better and more efficient problem-solving.
  2. Diverse perspectives: Collaborating with others allows individuals to benefit from diverse perspectives. Each person brings their unique experiences, skills, and knowledge to the table, and this can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving.
  3. Improved communication: Collaborating with others helps individuals to develop their communication skills. Effective communication is essential in a collaborative setting, and individuals must learn to express their ideas clearly and listen to others.
  4. Shared responsibility: Collaborating with others promotes a sense of shared responsibility. This means that each person is accountable for the success of the project, and this can lead to a more committed and motivated team.
  5. Innovation: Collaborating with others can lead to innovative ideas and solutions. By working together, individuals can generate new and creative ideas that would not have been possible if they worked alone.


inquirer , knowledgeable , thinkers, communicators and open-minded





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