Global Odyssey

Global Odyssey is an event held at FHS for 11th students who are studying business management and economics. This event is similar to a business expo in that students are introduced to market works. I was assigned a game in the fun section of the global odyssey where if you hit the allocated targets, you may win money. Finally, we had to contribute a portion of our revenues.

Learning Outcomes:

LO1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Because I knew football was my forte, I thought of a game and came up with the concept of target penalties. Because I was familiar with the pricing mechanism, I fixed the price such that people would be enticed to play the game. The catch was that hitting these targets was difficult, thus the money was to our advantage. The areas for improvement would be that I should have organized the game one week before the event because procrastination on work led to last-minute decisions, and I came up with this concept.

LO2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The hurdles were attracting individuals to put their money in to play the game, and that’s where my hunger for money and price helped me attract people. The skills I learned here were self-management skills and a greater grasp of the market, as I was working alone and would have to put in a lot of effort.

LO3 : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

The event would take place in the service sector. But, more importantly, this CAS experience provided certain personal benefits such as market experience, price mechanism, customer attraction, and much more.

LO6 : Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The involvement with global concerns here is that we contribute part of our money, essentially a proportion of our revenues, to the impoverished population. This would allow people to save money and assist themselves. The sum would be totaled from each area FUN, FOOD, and fashion and then contributed together.


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