Satellite Masterclass on Mars Rover Mission(Starlab)

A satellite masterclass is a comprehensive training session that provides you with a full grasp of satellite technology and mission. The course was designed and delivered by experts in aviation engineering and satellite technology. Lectures, hands-on exercises, and case studies comprise the masterclass. The purpose of this masterclass is to give you information and skills in the areas of Satellite Subsystem Introduction and Concepts, Orbital Mechanics, Atmospheric Losses, Orbital Perturbation, Mission Objectives, landing Maneuvers, Sensors, and Functioning of rovers.

LO-1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

As I began the course, I rapidly recognized that satellites were a whole new issue for me and that my previous understanding was vastly different and considerably more intricate than what I had previously understood. This was my development area since I was able to learn new and specific things about satellites and their interactions with apps. But I discovered that I am an excellent student who can quickly acquire and comprehend topics offered to me. This was one of my strengths that helped me learn.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I’ve always been interested in satellites, but I’ve never had the chance to learn more about them. Learning about the ideas was difficult because they were very technical and comprehensive, and I had no prior experience. As a result, studying and comprehending the course required time and effort. Furthermore, the communication and inquiry skills that I learned with the help of this course are crucial and in demand today; hence, increasing this talent would be critical if I wanted to grow in the future.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I struggled a lot to stick to my goals of learning during the course since I was inconsistent. I delay, become sluggish, and lose focus when doing the chores that have been allocated to me since things always seem to get in the way. I showed tenacity and dedication to the goal of learning about satellites, which required me to go and coordinate my schedule in order to attend the session and also complete the prescribed assignment without help.

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