Beach Cleaning Drive- Service

 I took part in this event by volunteering to clean the beach. The surat beach is very dirty and is filled with trash, this is why I decided to take a step towards cleaning the beach. This has many positive effects as it makes me more caring towards the world we live in, this is good for the surrounding environment and living beings, and it also brings people together. The challenge that i faced during this was that I had to go to a very far end in the beach because the trash was picked up in the nearby areas but I overcame it and found some trash and cleaned it up and disposed of it.

LO’s Covered-

LO1- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Through this beach cleaning drive I identified my strength in cleaning helping in making the world a better place. I developed and area for growth in cleaning the areas like the beach as I knew that there are much better ways in which we can clean areas like the beach up. Now I know where and how I can grow,

LO5-  Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

One person cannot clean the entire beach alone and that’s why lots of people came together and cleaned the beach in one morning which would take months for a single person to clean. This helped me recognize the benefits of working collaboratively as I understand how efficient it can be when many people work on a thing together. 

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance.

This is an issue that has a global significance as waste disposal at natural environments like the beach are common throughout the world and through my effort of cleaning the beach I helped solving the issue(even though it is a very small percentage of the trash on the globe but it will surely help)

LO7Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

I recognized the social cause and became a part of the beach cleaning drive. I along with my friends cleaned the beach by properly disposing of the trash which was thrown on the beach. This will help saving marine life and spreading awareness for this issue.This was a very ethical step that I took through services towards saving the environment.


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