Convocation 2023

Convocation is a final good bye to our seniors. Being a respectable junior I wanted to give a very formal and a precise goodbye to my seniors. I was very much enthusiast for the event as the event was held in auditorium that was out of school premises and the dress code for the students council was also traditional and not the school uniform.

LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

As I stated in the introduction, the event was outside school premises, and I was appointed as the leader with my 2 friends as leaders of the student council, we were the face of the event and had to handle all each and every students. Also being a poor communicator I was able to develop communication skills by passing the messages of teaches to the council of students.

LO3 Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Being in the core committee of the event, I had to first decide with 2 other committee members and teaches about what will be the flow of event what all work can be distributed to what student and who will fit the most for the job. We then had to communicate to students about what their work in the event was. We also had to approve questions prepared by the students for taking interviews of the students, parents and teachers attending the event.

LO7 Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Even after being selected in the core committee of the event, The event did not allowed it to me to count it as my CAS project while my ethics bounded me to give a formal goodbye and respect for them to work in the event. Also doing a lot of running in the event from taking orders from teachers and then passing them to the student council, was all a choice of action.

Conclusion, The event was successful and the running from in the lobby of the event was quite a good experience and will help me in handling the events in future and prepared me all the kind of work we can get in colleges fests.



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