interschool table tennis competition

For one of my CAS experiences I played the interschool table tennis tournament held at our school . As a member of our school’s table tennis team, I had the incredible opportunity to showcase my skills, learn from challenges, and grow both personally and collaboratively.

In the following experience I demonstrated few learning outcomes . Firstly, LO1 :Identifying Strengths and Areas for Growth - Personally, I recognized my proficiency in forehand shots and strategic positioning on the table. However, I acknowledged that my backhand shots needed improvement. This awareness enabled me to set targeted goals and work on enhancing my weaker aspects, demonstrating my commitment to personal growth. Then LO2 : Undertaking Challenges and Developing New Skills – I wasn’t in much practice of table tennis so I had practiced a bit beforehand to get a hand of it . From facing opponents with diverse playing styles to managing the pressure of high-stakes matches, every game was a chance to undertake new challenges. I found myself stepping out of my comfort zone, attempting different shot techniques, and adapting my gameplay to counter the opponents. Furthermore , LO4: Commitment and Perseverance - here were moments when fatigue set in, moreover we also lost few matches. However, our shared commitment to the team’s success and our unwavering perseverance helped us to push forward. LO5: Collaboration and Teamwork - The matches were not individual efforts but collective efforts that required coordination. We strategized, communicated, and supported each other both on and off the table. Celebrating each other’s successes and providing encouragement during tough moments grew our bond as a team.

Securing the third position in the Interschool Table Tennis Tournament was a result that filled us with pride eventhough not being in much practice overall

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