Young Physicists’ club

I chose to be a part of the young physicists club because I had a keen interest in physics since grade 7 and also it was related to my career which I am going to Perdue in future .The development of a Physics Club is a monument to the pursuit of understanding the deep and profound principles regulating the cosmos in the area of scientific study and intellectual curiosity. The Physics Club, which is rooted in the essence of theoretical contemplation and empirical investigation, serves as a crucible for students to immerse themselves in the world of physical phenomena, unraveling the secrets that lay under the fabric of our reality.The Physics Club is a shelter for people curious about the intricacies of matter, energy, and the forces that hold them together. It provides a forum for students to debate subjects ranging from classical mechanics and electromagnetism to quantum theory and relativity. This intellectual forum promotes environment where members can exchange ideas, pose thought-provoking questions, and engage in collaborative discussions that ignite their passion for the subject.


LO1 - Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I thought i had a very explicit and wide knowledge in physics until i joined the physicists club where there were people who had more knowledge than me and could solve complex equations . I identified i had a weakness in mechanical physics and worked on it through the club session . Understanding one’s own strengths and weaknesses is critical, especially in the context of personal and professional development. This self-awareness not only allows for a thorough understanding of one’s capabilities, but it also serves as a foundation for informed decision-making and effective goal attainment. Identifying one’s strengths allows people to harness and leverage their natural talents and abilities. It enables them to direct their resources, time, and energy towards activities that are in line with their core competencies. This strategic alignment boosts productivity and efficiency by allowing individuals to perform tasks that align with their strengths, resulting in superior results. I had gained benefit from learning mechanics as it helps me soo much I my physics assessment.



LO2 - Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The most challenging topics were mechanics and electricity because I didn’t have some basic information for doing these units during the process to overcome a certain topic I learned many new things such as cosmology and waves , at the end I was able to do some complex sums I was getting more confident in these units and performing well . It was challenging because I hadn’t done any sums like this before and also getting the support from my peers gave me a morality boost to keep going and not give up .

This is a one of the topic’s screenshot of my presentation.

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