Mount Abu – Trek

Unaware of what awaited us on their journey to Mount Abu, a group of individuals who only knew each other as peers set out for the destination. We were even more thrilled to be away from home and responsible for our own actions for the week. It was fun to indulge to get to know one another, and discover where we all belonged. I learned about my strengths and flaws on this trip, and I also got to know myself a bit better. It involved discovering the world beyond the confines of the classroom and giving us a taste of real world experiences.  

The trip resulted in the attainment of the following learning outcomes : 


LO1 – [ Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth ]

One of my greatest strengths, in my opinion, is perseverance; completing some tasks called for a lot of courage, fortitude, commitment and the attitude of not giving up. Although I allowed my anxiety to take control of my actions, I always reminded myself to keep trying even if I faltered. It helped me get over my phobia of heights, which in my opinion was my biggest success of the trip. This was done as I crossed through difficult terrain while trekking at high altitude knowing how much above the ground level I am. Working as a team had always been an area where I felt just a little weak. But throughout the treks, I learnt to call for help whenever necessary knowing that there is always another person ready to support. I could only cross the difficult terrains with the help and support of my peers. When my peers and I completed tough treks together and returned to the campsites at night, it appeared to be a major accomplishment. 

LO2 -  [ Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process ]

Each of us now regularly signs on to social media as soon as we wake up in the morning. I must admit that it was a tremendous challenge to be away from all that chaos. We had the impression that it had immobilized us all. A significant challenge was overcoming the lack of Instagram stories, postings, and contact with my family back home. However, as time passed, the necessity for phones never materialized. We developed an appreciation for nature and grasped the value of interpersonal relationships. 

LO4 – [ Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience ]

The hikes were extensive and slightly challenging at times, so I had to be really persistent and determined. I was able to complete them all though. Going was well worth it because of the stunning panoramas, early-morning sunrises, and the mountain views from the summit of the golden chimney. It was a commitment in the sense that I had to get up at 6:30 every morning, which forced me to go to bed early. Changing my sleeping routine was even another challenge with that of completing through difficult terrains on my own. 

LO5 – [ Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively ]

I’ve always held the firm belief that working in a team facilitates and increases productivity. Another person’s weakness might be one’s strength. This trip best exemplified that; we supported one another by encouraging them on the treks, assisted when one was wounded, and took care of one another. This increased the trek’s success and enjoyment. Together, we all made fresh memories. 

LO-6 [ Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance ]

The worldwide issue of good health and wellbeing is a sustainable development goal, numbered 3 on the list. Many individuals choose to disregard their health by eating junk food and disregarding their exercise, which has a negative impact on their health and well-being. I had considered my diet and realized the importance of fitness from this CAS experience. By choosing to make plans for a healthy lifestyle, I was able to contribute to my personal growth by being aware of the severity of this global issue. 

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