Global Odyssey

As part of the school event organised by teachers and coordinators, who are teaching and studying either of the subjects; Economics and Business Management respectively, my peers and I planned and organized a stall at the event titled ‘Global Odyssey’. At the stall we served the audience with deliciousness in exchange for money. Whilst fulfilling the cravings of the visitors, we learnt important, real world concepts of the two subjects. 

Below is the list of the learning objectives learnt from the school event : 

LO2 -  [ Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process ]

I developed my team management skills as we divided our tasks as per our roles. But as 2 peers from our group backed off, it was just the 3 of us left in the group just the night before the event. We had quite good communication amongst ourselves and hence we did understand the strengths and weaknesses of one another so that we could allocate tasks to each other accordingly to reach the maximum efficiency on the day of the event. 

LO3 – [ Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience ] 

We as a group planned the entire CAS experience by ourselves. From brainstorming to planning to execution, we were guided by our teachers but the majority of the work was done by us. We brainstormed regarding the possible food dishes that we could be serving to the audience that would come to us at the event. We changed the dishes multiple times, and later struggled but still managed to come up with the most unique and the most selling dishes. On the day of the event, we managed to attract the attention of the audience and thereby sell out all of the stock that we had in place. 

LO5 – [ Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively ] 

At the last moment, I couldn’t have arranged all the resources. As we were a team of three, we could successfully perform ourselves on the day of the event. This shows the benefit of working as a team. We had divided grocery shopping and food items as per convenience of each other. 

LO6 – [ Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance ]

A part of the revenue (10 %) was used to help the less fortunate ones. Like us, even other stalls had handed over their part of contribution to the school faculty, which later had donated the amount into a non-profit organization. 

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