Gym Training

Going to the gym has always been part of my new years’ resolution list. Though I am lean, I wished to develop a better figure and get more masculine. I put off going to the gym whenever I had the tiniest bit of motivation. But now that I’ve started going to the gym on a regular basis (six days a week for an hour or so), I’m starting to see improvements in myself. It has been 3 months of hitting the gym consistently.   

Below mentioned are the learning outcomes of the CAS experience talked about above : 

LO1 – [ Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth ]

This learning objective was essential for commencing my CAS experience. I had to discover my strengths and flaws. I was known of my muscular strength, but I needed to make a commitment and persevere throughout this experience. In order to make a significant change in my daily life, I had to learn from my gym trainer and develop my physique. 

LO2 – [Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process] 

During the course of 2 months of hitting the gym, I have developed various skills such as strength, power and coordination. Bench press, deadlift, squats are some experiences that helped us build strength. For developing power, I performed power snatch at the gym. Lastly, I improved my hand eye coordination as well as mind eye coordination in almost all the dumbell exercises that I did at the gym. At the start, it was too difficult for me to learn and adapt to the exercises’ movement and the form, but gradually I learnt the same as per time with the help of my gym trainer. 

LO4 – [ Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences ] 

Despite gym being increasingly popular in society, gym training was new to me, so it needed a lot of determination and commitment on my part to stick with it. The initial weeks were quite difficult since I had to rest at my house with ice packs on my body to treat the painful areas. I decided to quit the gym by missing a few days, but the next day made me more motivated to hit the gym as I knew and believed the fact that being regular could one day in the long term give me effective results. 

LO6 – [ Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance ]

SDG 3; Good health and well-being is a rising concern in the society. Due to bad fitness, young people in recent years have been recorded to suffer from painful diseases and ailments costing them their life at a young age. I have chosen to start doing workout regularly at a relatively younger age which will ensure good physical health and well being of my own.

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