Writing for school magazine

Raconteur where hidden realms of the mind are unveiled. Raconteur is our school magazine published quarterly with different topics each time. Every time I read the magazine of school, I get fascinated and imagine articles with my name labeled. I love writing. I write to channel my emotions, even the negative ones like fear, sorrow, or anger. I wish to influence society. Writing is one of the most powerful ways to challenge people to think, to act, or to change. I want to impact people whom I have never met. This will help me to improve my thinking skills and transfer skills.

LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
Writing on an unfamiliar topic is a challenge. While I write on different topics, it helps me develop my writing skills and also improve my creativity. I will use my prior knowledge of language and literature and write articles, poems, or short stories for the school magazine. As practice makes a man perfect, such practice will help me to develop my skills. It will increase my expertise in the established area.

LO 3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
While writing and publishing the article, I will go through many stages. Registering for the same, researching the content, initial brainstorming and planning, writing the first draft, working on the feedback, and finally submitting it. This will help me initiate and plan a complete process before accomplishing the experience. Moreover, I will have to work on the basis of my action plan in order to successfully write the article.

LO 6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
I will write a few articles that are related to global topics affecting people locally, nationally, and around the world-wide. Writing is the best form through which I can reach out to people and aware them of the issues dominating the world. With the help of articles, I can try to persuade people and reduce the impact of such global issues.

LO 7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Writing, even though non-violent, has several serious consequences in terms of ethics and morals. I will have to be careful and consider my ethical choices while writing the articles so that I do not hurt anyone else’s morals. While planning and writing the submissions, I will have to recognize the consequences and the controversies that may come up.

The articles that I will be writing for my school magazine will help me showcase the learner profile thinker as it requires me to brainstorm ideas with critical thinking skills. Creatively organizing and writing up the article on the given topic which keeps the audience engaged helps me develop my creative thinking skills. Moreover, this experience will also require me to use my knowledge skills as I must use my existing knowledge and include it in the article to make it more appealing.


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