Stall Leader at the Pi Day Event (CAS Project)

I served as one of the two stall leaders at the only IBDP Math Event, Pi Day, where I contributed to planning numerous Mathematics and Physics-related stalls and managed them for the event. The event was organized on the 14th of March, which is celebrated as Pi Day.

LOs met:

  • LO1
    As I have been in a leadership role of a few events before, I have the experience of leading and managing the organizing committee. Hence, leadership skill was a strength that I used effectively in this event. As a stall leader, the management of the stalls was under my purview. I was responsible for coordinating with all the volunteers, and even communicating the resource requirements to the resource leader. Furthermore, I had to think of ideas for the stalls and their setup to make them engaging and appealing. Creative thinking was a weakness of mine before this event. However, I worked on that during Pi Day, as my role compelled me to think out-of-the-box to make the activities in the stalls interesting for the students.
  • LO3
    As a stall leader, I extensively contributed to the planning of the event, where we had multiple meetings to finalize the activities in the stalls, as well as the setup of the stalls. We had to deliberate immensely regarding the final ideas for the stalls, such that students with different aptitudes in Mathematics could indulge in most activities planned for the event.
  • LO4
    Preparing for the event required immense perseverance and commitment as it required us to spend a lot of time on planning, whilst managing our academics as the event was just 1 month before the Grade 11 Final Exams. So this event required me to showcase time-management and self-management skills, as I had to allocate my time efficiently to be able to invest enough time for the planning of the event. Hence, I was clearly dedicated towards the planning of this event.
  • LO5
    This event required a lot of volunteers, and we had to coordinate with different teams, as well as those in-charge of specific stalls. So, the event was a team effort, where everyone gave their valuable contributions for the success of the event. We even had to collaborate with the Mathematics and Physics teachers for the approval of the ideas. We even had to coordinate with Physics students for the planning of the Physics stalls and experiments.


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