Bal Mela

Bal mela is an event organized by our school every year, our school acts as a host to more than 100 underprivileged schools and facilitates multiple games and activities. Many of these include gratitude walls, a place for them to express their creativity, plain and simple fun gams and many more things which are filled with fun and joy. I got the opportunity to act as a student incharge as well as a student volunteer which was a great learning experience.

LO’s that were met during this:
LO1 – Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.
After participating in multiple events as a volunteer and a student incharge I was easily able to manage my time and keep check on each and every activity that was under me along with the one that I was conducting. This helped me ensure that none of the games allotted to me faced any troubles such as resource requirements, medical care if needed and proper discipline.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.
As mentioned above I was one of the incharges therefore required to keep a check on the other 2 games which I was not a volunteer of, collaborating with my fellow volunteers I was properly able to manage time where they would substitute for me when ever I needed to go on rounds making my work much easily, similarly when they wanted to take a break and visit other stalls I helped them out.

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance.
Concern about the issue of inadequate facilities and underdevelopment among children from low-income families is growing on a global scale. The Bal Mela festival provides low-income children with the opportunity to grow holistically by participating in games, athletics, and the arts in an effort to address this issue. These activities also impart to children valuable life lessons including collaboration, communication, and creativity.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.
Respect, honesty and fairness are important attributes when hosting an event where students from other schools attend. It is imperative to ensure that we behave appropriately and show compassion towards them especially because of their age and background. I made sure to attend to their needs in a proper manner and did not let anything come in between of treating them as proper guests.

This event also focussed on certain Sustainable development goals such as no poverty and quality education where we hosted these events for students form multiple underprivileged schools and provided them an educational opportunity to develop upon multiple skills.

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