Gaming Tournament CAS Project

I like gaming and i wanted to know how many others were there in my school. So I got together with my friends who also like gaming and organized this tournament. We will be donating a big chunk of our total revenue from this event to a charity.

Me and my friends organized a gaming tournament. Our group of casual gamers came together to create an event that not only celebrated our passion for gaming but also promoted responsible gaming practices. Participants paid an entry fee of 100 rupees and, if under 16, needed parental consent due to the mild violence in these games. The tournament brought the gaming community together, fostering camaraderie and friendly competition. As the event progressed, the intensity of the matches was matched only by the excitement in the air.

What made our tournament truly special was its charitable aspect. A significant portion of the revenue generated from entry fees was donated to a charity close to our hearts. The victorious teams walked away with cash rewards, but the real winners were the beneficiaries of our donation. This experience taught us that gaming can be a powerful force for good, bringing people together to make a positive impact in the world. It was a reminder that gaming isn’t just a pastime; it’s a platform for positive change, and we were proud to be a part of it.

Learning Outcomes:

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience: We initiated the entire tournament experience from scratch. We identified the need for a responsible and organized gaming event in our community, and we took the initiative to plan every aspect of it. This included creating teams, handling finance, setting rules and guidelines, and promoting the event. Planning and executing such a complex event required careful organization and adherence to deadlines, which contributed to our development in this aspect of CAS.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively: Organizing a gaming tournament was a team effort from start to finish. We had to collaborate closely with our friends, volunteers, and even participants to ensure the success of the event. Whether it was coordinating match schedules, managing the registration process, or handling logistics on the day of the tournament, we learned the value of effective teamwork. This experience strengthened our collaborative skills and taught us the benefits of working together towards a common goal.

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance: Although a gaming tournament might seem localized, our emphasis on responsible gaming and the donation to a charity highlighted issues of global significance. By requiring parental consent for young participants due to the mild violence in the games, we addressed concerns about the impact of video games on young minds. Additionally, our donation to a charity demonstrated our commitment to addressing broader global issues, as we contributed to a cause that had a meaningful impact beyond our local community.

LO7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions: We were acutely aware of the ethical aspects of our gaming tournament. Requiring parental consent for underage participants showed our commitment to responsible gaming and considering the ethics of our choices. Moreover, donating a significant portion of the proceeds to a charity reflected our ethical responsibility to give back to the community and address social issues. Throughout the event, we continuously evaluated our choices and actions to ensure they aligned with our ethical principles.

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