Global Odyssey 3.0 (CAS Project)

Global Odyssey is an annual event hosted by BM and ECO students. This year event was on June 23. The intention of hosting this event was for us students to learn more about our subjects, use our learnings, and apply them in real life.GO was basically a business fair, in which students were divided into four teams: entertainment, fashion, food, and decor.I was assigned to be the team leader for food, which meant handling all the food stalls, including mine. My friends and I got together to cook and sell delicious food, and while doing so, we not only made money but also donated some of it to charity.

LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

As the food leader of the event, I took on various challenges that pushed me beyond my comfort zone and allowed me to develop valuable new skills along the way. These challenges included planning the menu of my own stall, coordinating with suppliers and school staff, and managing a team of volunteers who had their own different stalls. The event planning presented unique challenge that required problem-solving, time management, and effective communication and improved my leadership skills

LO3 : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

The whole event was initiated and planned by my peers and me. There were various discussions that happened regarding food dishes that were needed to be served, which required permission from the teachers. Apart from the menu of my stall, I also had to keep a track on that other stalls had their menu finalized, and all the resources that were required from school , were already ordered . My peers and I did face challenges in finalizing the menus and, at point even ran out of ideas about the food to serve , but at the end of the day we were able to manage.

LO5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

The business fair has different types of stalls, and everything cannot be managed single-handedly by me. Working collaboratively with my peers showcased the power of teamwork. Coordinating with volunteers, school staff, and other team leaders improved my communication. It was also easy to delegate work among ourselves, and different perspectives were helpful to look at all the possible hurdles and solve them. This collaboration enhanced the event’s efficiency and creativity, resulting in a more successful and enjoyable experience for all, emphasizing the value of collaboration in achieving common goals.

Overall, my participation in the Global Odyssey event as a food leader was a delightful experience. I faced challenges, improved my leadership skills, and acquired the learner attributes of being a communicator, reflective, and open-minded to different perspectives.

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