Rubik’s Cube Club


Participating in the Rubik’s Cube Club as a CAS experience was an exciting journey that provided me with valuable insights and growth opportunities. In this blog post, I’ll reflect on how my involvement in the club allowed me to engage with and apply the CAS Learning Outcomes (LOs).

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

While I wasn’t leading the Rubik’s Cube Club, being a member allowed me to identify my own strengths and areas for growth. I discovered that I had a natural aptitude for spatial reasoning and pattern recognition, which are crucial skills for solving Rubik’s Cubes efficiently. However, I recognized that I needed to improve my patience and perseverance, especially when tackling more challenging cube configurations. Acknowledging these areas for growth motivated me to keep pushing my boundaries.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

Being a member of the Rubik’s Cube Club exposed me to a series of challenges. Learning and mastering various solving techniques and algorithms was a demanding yet rewarding experience. It pushed me to develop new skills, such as finger dexterity, memory retention, and algorithmic thinking. As I conquered each challenge, I could clearly demonstrate personal growth and the acquisition of new problem-solving skills.

LO3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience

While I didn’t initiate or plan the club itself, I actively participated in the planning of club activities. We collectively organized practice sessions, set goals for improvement, and scheduled friendly competitions. This allowed me to engage with the planning aspects of CAS experiences, contributing to the development and execution of our club’s goals.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Active participation in the Rubik’s Cube Club demanded perseverance and commitment. Solving Rubik’s Cubes, especially the more complex ones, could be frustrating and time-consuming. However, I remained committed to my CAS responsibilities within the club, consistently attending meetings, practicing regularly, and persevering through challenging solves. This unwavering commitment showcased my dedication to personal growth and development.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Collaboration was at the core of the Rubik’s Cube Club. As a member, I worked closely with fellow enthusiasts, sharing solving techniques and offering support and encouragement. Collaborating within the club enhanced my communication skills, fostered teamwork, and allowed us to collectively explore the world of Rubik’s Cubes. This aligns with LO5, demonstrating the importance of collaborative efforts in achieving common goals.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Ethical considerations were also relevant in the Rubik’s Cube Club. Fair play during competitions, respecting the intellectual property of algorithms, and ensuring an inclusive and respectful environment for all members were ethical principles upheld by the club. As a participant, I recognized and considered the ethics of our choices and actions, contributing to a positive and ethical club atmosphere.


Participating in the Rubik’s Cube Club as a CAS experience allowed me to engage with the CAS Learning Outcomes in various ways. It helped me identify my strengths and areas for growth, develop new skills through challenging experiences, engage in the planning and execution of club activities, demonstrate commitment and perseverance, collaborate effectively with peers, and consider ethical choices and actions. My involvement in the club not only enriched my personal growth but also contributed to the collective learning and enjoyment of all members. This experience exemplified the essence of CAS, emphasizing individual development while being an integral part of a supportive and ethical community.

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