CAS Project Cricket Tournament

Along with a couple of my friends, I planned a cricket tournament of 6 teams. I supervised the matches for the duration of the competition, ensuring that everything went as planned, dealing with any issues that came up, providing the participants with feedback, and ensuring the security and wellbeing of everyone involved. In order to complete these activities and overcome obstacles and adjust to new circumstances, I had to use my organizational skills, creativity, and problem-solving ability.


The event’s budget was prepared in advance, and depending on the number of attendees, we had paid for all necessary supplies, equipment, and fees. All of the tournament’s preparations, including picking the sites, getting the required supplies and gear, and organizing the teams’ schedules, were completed and prepared in advance to avoid problems.


During the game, there were a few issues, including misunderstandings regarding runs, outs, and batting statistics. These issues were assisted by several outside volunteers who were there when the game was being played. Last but not least, throughout the tournament.


During the tournament it was sometimes difficult to work with my friends who are also organizing the tournament with me as there were many ideas to come up to one single idea was difficult.Overall it was easy to work with a group as you would divided the work which help us to complete the work on time.


Some of the ethical issue related to this event were the umpires sometimes were not giving the right decision to make it easy to win the team who they support.This can break the morals of the players who are willing playing to win the matches and this could harm the reputation of the tournament.

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CAS Reflection Youtube video link –

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