Opening of the NIMAAYA  teenage clinic

This CAS experience was a really unique experience for me.It was basically an opening of a clinic which mainly focuses on teenagers physical and mental well being .Teenagers and young adults have many unaddressed questions about such things and sometimes they just need the navigation/support to reach a conclusion .This opening event made me realize the importance of physical and mental well being as a teen .I also had the task to organize a flash mob and also to lure teens like me to attend this event so that they gain knowledge and get inspired through the session .

The learning outcomes  achieved were .

LO4-Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Organizing a flash mob and promoting a teenage clinic required a high level of commitment and perseverance. It began with brainstorming sessions, and identifying potential challenges. It was essential to stay dedicated to the cause and overcome any obstacles that came our way.

The event demanded a lot of commitment as people normally do not open up about such things hence it was a difficult task to lure teens to come to this session and also for the flashmob .

Additionally, perseverance was crucial when it came to organizing the flash mob. It required countless hours of practice, coordination, and dealing with unexpected setbacks. Despite the challenges, I remained steadfast in my commitment to the project, ensuring that it would succeed.

LO5-Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

One of the most valuable aspects of this project was the opportunity to work collaboratively with a diverse group of individuals. In order to organize a successful flash mob and promote the clinic effectively, I had to collaborate with fellow students, professionals, and local community members.

Working with my peers taught me the importance of effective communication and teamwork. Each member of our team brought unique skills and perspectives to the table, which enriched our project. We had to listen to one another’s ideas, compromise, and delegate tasks efficiently. This experience not only improved my interpersonal skills but also reinforced the idea that collective efforts can lead to remarkable outcomes.

LO6-Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Promoting the well-being of teenagers is an issue of global significance. Mental health problems, body image issues, and other challenges faced by teenagers are prevalent worldwide. By organizing the flash mob and promoting the clinic, I engaged with an issue that affects adolescents globally.

The event helped me gain a broader perspective which allowed me to appreciate the universality of these issues and the importance of addressing them on a global scale. It reinforced my commitment to making a positive impact and raising awareness about teenage well-being.

LO7-Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

As I delved deeper into the project, I became acutely aware of the ethical considerations associated with organizing a flash mob and promoting a healthcare clinic. It was important to ensure that our promotional materials and activities were ethical, respectful, and inclusive.

We had to consider the potential consequences of our actions and the messages we were conveying to teenagers. This led to thought-provoking discussions about the ethical boundaries of advertising, informed consent for medical services, and respecting the diverse backgrounds and beliefs of our target audience.

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