Frisbee | Activity

LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Learning how to play this game helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses. It helped me identify that I was better with games that required patience and spirit and I also identified where I had to improve. I had to improve my communication skills as frisbee is a game where there is no referee and the players have to resolve their conflicts/fouls by themselves. For overcoming this weakness I started being involved in most of the discussions regarding the fouls and tried to put my views forward. 

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

CAS was an opportunity for me to start playing it again. Frisbee is a game of spirit and teamwork. While I was learning how to play frisbee in my PS classes. I developed my skills such as communication skills and collaboration skills. I also developed the skills required for playing frisbee, like different strategies, throws, and agility. Lack of interest in fitness has always been a difficulty for me, but this game has made it easier for me to see how important it is. I was improving my fitness levels while also having fun playing frisbee.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

This experience required a lot of commitment and perseverance if I wanted to learn how to play it. The learning process was pushing me to go out of my comfort zone and push my limits physically. This required a lot of discipline and consistency. I had to practice daily and improve my weaknesses. It has always been very difficult for me to commit to sports but with frisbee, I tried my best to stay consistent because being committed and persistent is an important skill that we have to learn in life to be successful. 

LO7:Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Since frisbee is a spirit-based sport when a foul occurs, we must communicate with the other player. I always have to act morally and with sportsmanship while doing this.  Regardless of how intense the game became, I never let personal grudges in the way and was completely honest about a foul. This demonstrated the positive attitude and ethics of the entire team.

To conclude, this was a very fruitful experience for me in developing new skills and identifying my strengths and weaknesses. Lastly, showing commitment and perseverance helped me when I participated in tournaments.

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