Bal Mela

I volunteered at the Bal Mela 2023, which was held at Fountainhead School on January 25, 2023. We invited poor kids from more than 15 schools to this event where they could dance, play games in teams, and generally have fun. The children who attended had a great day because they rarely got to experience something like this. I was instructing them on basic basketball shooting and dribbling techniques while I was at the basketball shooting.

LO-1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Volunteering at the Bal Mela 2023 provided a platform for me to recognize my strengths and areas for growth. While instructing children in basic basketball skills, I discovered my ability to communicate effectively and break down complex concepts into simple instructions. This experience highlighted my passion for teaching and working with children, nurturing my desire to further develop these skills to positively impact others.

LO-2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

Being a part of the Bal Mela was a challenge that encouraged me to learn new abilities. It took persistence, flexibility, and a keen ability to engage children to teach them. I improved my instructional methods, learning to assess each student’s needs and modify my teaching approach as necessary. Through this experience, I was able to develop both my abilities to communicate and interact as well as my ability to teach basketball.

LO-4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I was fully committed to the Bal Mela. I put all of my effort and time into making the experience for the kids special and pleasurable. This dedication extended throughout the planning and preparation leading up to the event rather than being restricted to a single day. It validated my views on the value of volunteering and the lasting impact that it may have on the lives of others. The kids’ smiles as they played and learned were a memorial to the importance of perseverance and commitment in volunteer activities.

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