Global Odyssey (CAS Project) (Creativity, and Activity)

Global Odyssey primarily revolves around economics and business management. On the event day, an array of stalls were set up, showcasing aspects like food, fashion, photo booths, and entertainment. Students applied their classroom knowledge in real-world scenarios, delving into concepts like profit optimization, pricing strategies, demand and supply dynamics, and marketing techniques. The event drew a diverse audience, spanning from grade 7 to grade 12, along with teachers. Our school hosts an annual event called Global Odyssey, which serves as a sort of business fair. It encompasses various facets including teams handling accounts, decorations, food, and entertainment. Personally, I chose to participate in the accounts team, aligning with my interests. It turned out to be an enriching experience. The planning and execution of the event were primarily led by students specializing in economics and business management, with guidance from our teachers. The organizational structure comprised various divisions such as decoration, accounts, food, fashion, social media, fun, music, and event planning, all cooperating together to ensure the event’s success.

I was the part of the organizing committee for the Fun section of Global Odyssey, which was also my CAS project, entailing the Creativity and Activity aspect of CAS.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Being part of the organizing committee for the Fun section of Global Odyssey was an enriching experience that provided me with valuable insights into my own strengths and areas for growth. One of my strengths that became evident during this project was my creativity. I was able to contribute fresh and engaging ideas for activities and entertainment that added a dynamic and enjoyable side to the event. On the other hand, I also recognized an area for growth in my organizational skills. Coordinating various aspects of the Fun section required a lot of planning and efficient time management, and at times, I found it challenging to keep everything perfectly organized. This experience highlighted the need for me to enhance my organizational abilities and become more adept at multitasking.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills
Being part of the organizing committee for the Fun section of Global Odyssey was a challenging yet immensely rewarding experience. It was my chosen CAS project, incorporating both the Creativity and Activity aspects of CAS. This endeavor required me to step out of my comfort zone and take on responsibilities that I hadn’t tackled before. One of the main challenges was ensuring that the fun activities we planned catered to a diverse audience ranging from younger students in grade 7 to the more senior students in grade 12, as well as teachers. This demanded a careful balance between creativity and inclusivity, making sure everyone could participate and enjoy. This experience was instrumental in my personal growth. It demonstrated that taking on challenges leads to the development of valuable skills. I now feel more confident in my ability to handle complex tasks and coordinate teams effectively.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience

This project required careful planning, coordination, and creativity. We had to brainstorm ideas for activities that would engage a diverse audience, spanning from grade 7 to grade 12, as well as teachers. This process involved considering various factors, such as available resources, space, and the interests of the attendees. It was crucial to ensure that the activities not only provided entertainment but also aligned with the overall theme of the event. I took the initiative to gather a team of enthusiastic volunteers to assist in executing the Fun section. Assigning roles and responsibilities was a crucial aspect of the planning process. Each member brought their unique strengths and ideas, contributing to the overall success of the section. Taking on the role of organizing the Fun section of Global Odyssey as my CAS project was an enriching experience that aligned perfectly with LO3 of CAS – “Initiate and plan a CAS experience.”

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Being a part of the organizing committee for the Fun section of Global Odyssey was a fulfilling CAS project that required a significant amount of perseverance and commitment. From the start, I was aware of the responsibility that came with this role. Ensuring that the fun section lived up to its name and provided an enjoyable experience for all attendees required commitment. It has proven to me that commitment and perseverance are very important and necessary qualities that can lead to real-world achievements. This aligns with LO4 of CAS, as it showcases how I demonstrated perseverance and commitment throughout this CAS project.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Being a part of the organizing committee for the Fun section of Global Odyssey was an incredibly helpful experience that provided valuable insights into the power of collaboration. This project not only fulfilled the Creativity and Activity requirements of CAS but also highlighted the importance of working together effectively. Coordinating the Fun section demanded a high level of teamwork. Each member brought unique strengths and ideas to the table, and we learned to use these differences for maximum impact. From planning engaging activities to ensuring smooth running on the event day, every task required a collaborative effort. This experience taught me the importance of open communication, active listening, and respecting everyone’s perspectives and ideas. Working collaboratively on this project not only improved my organizational and leadership skills but also provided a platform to learn from others. Through mutual support and shared responsibilities, we were able to create an enjoyable experience for everyone. Connecting with LO5 of CAS, this project shows the demonstration the benefits.

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