Rubik’s Cube Club (Creativity)

Right from the start, the Rubik’s Cube seemed like an impossible puzzle with its vibrant sides and tricky maneuvers. Thanks to my friend, the club’s founder, I learned to master it. This narrative recounts my journey in solving not just the 3×3 Rubik’s Cube but also its variations like the 2×2, 5×5, and the fascinating Mirror Cube. This experience highlights personal growth, skill refinement, and a strong bond of friendship, all aligned with the CAS learning goals, particularly creativity and the 2nd, 4th, and 5th objectives.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

Learning to solve the 3×3 Rubik’s Cube was really tough. It felt like going on a big adventure into the unknown. Each twist and turn was like a tricky puzzle that taught me new things. I had to think carefully, find solutions, and learn to adapt. It was like gaining superpowers! With every cube I solved, I could feel myself getting better and smarter. This journey shows that I’m not afraid of challenges. I took them on and, in the process, learned a bunch of cool new skills. This connects perfectly with LO2 of CAS, proving that I’ve grown and developed through facing these challenges.

LO3 – “Initiate and plan a CAS experience”

The entire CAS club, from conceptualizing the Rubik’s cube club to planning the classes and coaching sessions, was initiated and planned by us. We took the lead in proposing and developing the idea regarding the Rubik’s cube club, which showcased my ability to initiate a CAS experience, whilst cooperating with others towards planning the club and the sessions within them.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

I was really committed to our CAS club. Even though school and other things kept me busy, I stuck with it. We faced tough times, but we didn’t give up. The club leader made sure our meetings and activities kept going. This shows how determined I was to help our club succeed. When things got hard, I didn’t back down. I knew that every effort counted toward our bigger goal. This experience not only made me stronger but also inspired others in the club. It’s a clear example of how sticking with something can lead to big achievements. This determination matches LO4 of CAS, proving how much I cared about the club’s growth and success.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Being part of the CAS club was a valuable experience that taught me a lot about working together. Solving Rubik’s Cubes and managing the club’s activities required teamwork and cooperation. Each member brought their own strengths and ideas to the table, and together, we accomplished so much more than we could have individually. Through collaboration, we learned to communicate effectively and support one another. When someone faced a tough spot in solving a cube, we’d all pitch in with suggestions and encouragement. This not only helped us improve our individual skills but also created a strong bond within the group.

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