Cycling (Gym)

I started this cas experience to start working on my physical health. In order to achieve my health goals and targets, I had to do cycling in gym for 10 days for more at least more than 10 km. however, things did not go to the plan. Firstly, the gym was closed on every monday, which is a bummer. Secondly, I used to get tired quite a lot throughout the time I was cycling. So sustaining for 30 mins required me to go slowly. Thus on certain days I wouldn’t hit the 10km mark. But I pushed myself beyond what I do and achieve. I started this on a sunday 17th sept and ended on friday 29th sept

LO2 – Demonstrate challenges undertaken and new skills developed

There were a lot of challenges. The schedule was the biggest of the them all, because finding time against all of the ib submissions is a quite a hard thing to do. However, I did manage to do it. Secondly, it is hard to sustain performance for so long without breaks. There were some days when I took a minute break in the middle of the exercise to drink some water and strech some legs, however, it didn’t help as much as I expected. Regardless, I was able to push myself closer to achieving my health goals.

In conclusion, while I could have pushed myself harder than I already did, i certainly was able to feel much better about my situation and submission. Admist, by working out, it actually helped me focus more and improve my productivity. I developed the learner profile balanced, in order to balance the load between the submissions and workouts.

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