

As I embarked on my CAS journey, I chose to explore the captivating world of photography. This wasn’t merely about capturing images; it was a personal journey in further exploring creativity.

I recognised my interest for visual storytelling and my passion capturing beautiful moments. Through photography, I attempted to amplify emotions, narrate untold stories, and elaborate for issues close to my heart. This art form wasn’t just a hobby; it became a path for expression and engagement.

My CAS experience in photography beyond the boundaries of a mere extracurricular activity. It became a transformative voyage, sculpting my skills, shaping my perspectives.

LO1 : Identifying Strengths and Purpose

Photography helped me see what I’m good at—I realized I had a natural inclination for visual storytelling and capturing emotions through my lens. However, I acknowledged the need to refine technical skills such as understanding lighting and mastering composition techniques to elevate the quality of my photographs.

LO2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

Taking pictures was like solving puzzles. Each time I took a photo, it was a challenge to make it look just right, correct angles, good lighting, etc . Each challenge was an opportunity to broaden my skill set and delve into new techniques. As I faced these challenges head-on, I found myself acquiring a diverse range of skills, from experimenting with various angles to manipulating light to convey different moods within my images.

LO3: Initiating and Planning a CAS Experience

proceeding on this CAS journey wasn’t merely about taking pictures; it was about meticulous planning and execution. From conceptualization to organizing shoots, scouting locations, and coordinating resources, it was a comprehensive attempt that showed the essence of planning within the CAS experiences. 

LO4: Perseverance and Commitment in the CAS Experience

The journey through photography demanded unwavering commitment. It required dedication to honing skills, overcoming hurdles, and persistently striving for improvement. Each photograph captured portrayed the perseverance and commitment invested in this enriching CAS experience.

LO5: Skills Demonstrated Through Collaborative Work

Photography, despite its individualistic nature, was an exercise in collaboration. Engaging with models, seeking input from peers, and participating in collaborative projects enhanced not only the quality of my work but also fostered a deeper appreciation for teamwork and shared goals, also helping me build a better understanding of different perspectives. 

LO6: Engagement with Global Issues

Beyond the aesthetics, photography became a tool for addressing global concerns. Through my lens, I shed light on environmental sustainability, aiming to provoke contemplation and action. Each image was a visual narrative standing for change in a global issue.


My CAS expedition through photography wasn’t just about capturing moments; it covered personal growth, skill development, meticulous planning, commitment, collaborative spirit, and engagement with global issues. As I move forward, the snapshots taken and lessons learned will continue to shape my perspective, not just as a photographer but as an individual committed to growth and positive change.

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