Garba Fest stall

Participating in the Garba fest organized by our school was an exhilarating experience that brought my friends and me together in an incredible way. We decided to set up a stall offering refreshing drinks and delicious food to the players, becoming an integral part of the fest’s vibrant atmosphere. The excitement of planning and executing our stall added to the anticipation of the event itself.

LO’s met:-

LO2: Setting up the stall for the Garba fest brought forth various challenges. Coordinating with friends, managing resources, handling unexpected rushes, and ensuring customer satisfaction all required problem-solving skills, adaptability, and quick decision-making. Through these challenges, you developed skills in time management, communication, adaptability, and problem-solving.

LO3: The entire process of organizing the stall for the Garba fest was a testament to your ability to initiate and plan a CAS experience. From the initial idea to planning logistics, allocating responsibilities, and executing the plan effectively, you actively engaged in every aspect of the process.

LO4: The dedication and perseverance you exhibited throughout the Garba fest preparation and execution showcase your commitment to the CAS experience. Despite the challenges and long hours, your commitment remained steadfast, driving you to ensure the success of the stall.

LO5: Collaboration was the cornerstone of your Garba fest experience. Working with friends to plan, organize, and run the stall highlighted the benefits of teamwork, communication, and collective effort. Leveraging each other’s strengths, sharing responsibilities, and supporting one another not only ensured the success of the stall but also enriched the experience for everyone involved.

Our stall’s success was more than just monetary; it was a testament to our teamwork, adaptability, and determination. Through this CAS experience, we not only had a lot of fun but also developed valuable skills. The sense of accomplishment in running a thriving stall, contributing to the fest’s liveliness, and enjoying every aspect of it with my friends made it a truly memorable experience, encapsulating the essence of the CAS program – learning through experience, camaraderie, and enjoyment.

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