Cultural Capsule ( SERVICE)

Cultural capsule was a student led event where students also got the opportunity to volunteer for the same. THe entire event focused on educating children of orphanages and government schools about Indian Culture. This particular event brought the opportunity for us to interact with kids from different age groups about how diverse our Indian culture is, how Indian culture consists of several aspects such as art, dance, cultural games and so much more. We indulge in these activities with several kids while celebrating the beauty and diversity of Indian culture.  Along with 2 other volunteers conducted a workshop for art and craft where we taught children about the cultural art of India and demonstrated the same.

LO1  –  Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.

Growing up, I have always been a child who enjoys art as a whole, I have always wanted to indulge into any artistic activities as the opportunity came along and now I do know the basic aspect of it. I have also taken classes where I have learned different forms of arts. I know madhubani painting which is an indian style of art. This learned form of art acted as strength when I was teaching those kids the same concept on paper plates which each one of them created individually for themselves and the kids seemed to be satisfied with the plates they made.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

As mentioned, we were three people together on the art workstation, we were responsible for guiding the kids at all steps and providing them any kind of help they required. There were several kids at our work station so we had divided the number of kids for each one of us so that we could help all of them effectively with whatever challenges they were facing during the workshop. 

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance.

Everyone has the right to quality education alongside also learning the aspects of the culture they belong to. These kids also deserve to learn about the art of India and learn about the art form of where they belong to.Indulging into art and creativity is not only something you enjoy but helps those kids with developing gross motor skills such as patience because everybody wants an eye-pleasing end product of something they create by themselves with so much of hardwork and concentration. Practicing art is one thing that can bring so much of relaxation into the lives of these kids.

LO7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

We helped these children to build themselves into several activities such as dance, read- alouds and art and more.With the help of these activities we could teach them how to be more independent and the responsibility they have towards their own culture which they need to express because culture plays such an important role in shaping any individual’s identity and will play an important role for these kids as well. All the children at the workstation were asked to work collaboratively and share their resources with other to show them how team efforts and sharing make it so easy to work anywhere and everywhere.

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