Sharing knowledge through community service

Community service is a chance to embrace ourselves and reflect upon our learning and choices. This is an opportunity to interact with other students.

LO – 5

Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively- 

We were distributed in teams of 3 to teach different crafts and arts. So I demonstrated communication skills as a primary skill to make the children comfortable and open up with us. This helped us as lubricate as after that they trusted us and also followed our instructions so to manage the group of 7 to 8 children became easy.  They also demonstrate the skill of collaboration with us as they helped their friends and were patient with us at times when there was a lack of resources or sharing was needed. In my team, we were 3 people so we distributed ourselves according to the sides so one in the center, one in the side likewise which helps in reaching a maximum number of students at a time. It wasn’t like I will only do everything from teaching to helping we disturbed activity among us equally so it was smooth to work instead of facing hindrances.


Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions:

During the time of community service, I expressed that our actions and choices will reflect on them. As we say, they will also try to do the same as they came over to our school to explore, learn, and enjoy. My actions will reflect their future as they were young and looking for inspiration.  What I will demonstrate they will do the same. If I abuse my friend or don’t behave ethically they might think it’s okay to be like that even big students do it. Which is wrong that’s where I released the ethics of choices and actions as I met them and interacted with them.


Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance:

Education and resources are global issues. So in our community services, we tried to teach them things that they were fond of and couldn’t do in their school. through which they are at least getting an opportunity to learn different things like computer sciences, sports, experiments, arts and crafts, dance, etc. Even with the lack of resources. So we tried to reuse as many resources we could as to make an example that wasting paper and resources is not good. Even we minimized the resources to teach the concept of sharing.




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