Mount Abu Trip

The trip to Mount Abu was supposed to be a break from all the technology usage that happens while we are in school and at our homes, this trip contained lots of activities like trekking through the mountains, going rock climbing and rappelling as well as doing camp activities. We got to see nature’s beauty and unwind from the hectic world we were in. The goal was to learn new things and try activities I was afraid to do. This trip was also helpful in being self-dependent and experiencing how would it feel to live alone or without any extra assistance.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

This is the first learning outcome that I achieved during this experience, being with nature and doing everything on my own made me realize my own strengths and what work am I good at, I found out that living alone is a hard thing to do and we have to pay attention to a lot of details and do work, this also gave me an opportunity to develop and improve on skills.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Being on this trip with other peers made me more social and I learned how to work in a team, whether it was camping or trekking or any other activity, we were always supposed to be in groups and help each other out, this made me learn how to always be there for others and help them through just like you would want someone to help you through.

Finally from this experience I learned how to maintain myself and what it is really like to live without any guidance, I also learned how to be a team player and that it is important to connect with nature every once in a while and take a break from the technology and hectic world we live in.

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