CAS Experience 1 – School Community Service

Our school offers its students with an opportunity every year to be a part of a Community Service Program. Students can choose different activities or skills they would want to teach underprivileged children, such as ICT skills, football, basketball, robotic, etc. Due to my inclination towards technology and especially programming, I chose to teach the […]

Participating in Community Service Teaching Impoverished Kids Science Projects

Throughout my years as a student, I have always had the opportunity to learn various aspects of science due to the educational environment I was brought up in, and the school systems which supported my academic growth. But unlike you and I, many kids do not get the chance to learn these things due to […]

Participating in a Beach Trash Collection Drive With the SMC

As one of my CAS experiences, I participated in a SMC-organized beach cleanup, where we targeted the removal of non-biodegradable waste which was disposed of on Dumas beach. Much of the waste that comes from our city gets disposed of in landfills, but a surprisingly large amount of trash ends up on our beaches, where […]