Cas Experience 6 : Cultural Capsule

Cultural Capsule was an event organized by my peers as a part of their CAS project. The motive behind organizing the cultural capsule was to plan fun activities and games incorporated with culture and spread that knowledge to the underprivileged children.   A lot of children don’t get access to quality education along with extracurricular activities […]

Robin Hood Army

Certificate My experience with the Robin Hood Army in Surat, where I distributed food to underprivileged people, was a transformative experience that allowed me to develop my character and gain new perspectives on the world. As a CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) activity, this experience helped me to develop my strengths and identify areas for growth, […]

Teaching Underprivileged Students

I recently had the opportunity to visit a nearby tuition and teach underprivileged students some basic math. This experience was both fulfilling and enriching, and it helped me to develop a greater sense of empathy and social responsibility.   LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth Through this experience, I was reminded […]