Global Odyssey

Global Odyssey is an annual business fair organized by our school, focusing on economics and business management disciplines. During the event, various teams, including accounts, decor, food, and more, collaborate to create a vibrant atmosphere. I participated in the Accounts Team, aligning with my interests. The fair showcased practical applications of economic and business concepts, […]

LearnAbode (cas project)

As part of our CAS project, we planned a thorough bootcamp to teach kids the basics of coding and computers. We worked together with DISHA, a non-profit organisation devoted to empowering underprivileged youth. The eagerness with which these children participated in our programme was not only encouraging, but it also served as a reminder of the […]

Graffiti with a Message

In the ever-evolving landscape of creativity and self-expression, graffiti stands out as an art form that transcends boundaries, both artistic and societal. In this CAS blog, we delve into the world of graffiti art and explore how it can be a powerful tool for demonstrating engagement with issues of global significance, all while recognizing and […]