Literacy Day (Service)

CAS – Service – Literacy Day

The school hosted an event on the occasion of International Literacy where students had the opportunity to listen to the experiences of support staff and witness their performances. As a volunteer for the event, I had to work collaboratively with the support staff, teachers, and other volunteers to ensure the smooth running of the event. By doing so, I gained valuable communication skills which contributed to the success of the event.

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During the event, I was required to work collaboratively with support staff, teachers, and other volunteers to ensure that everything ran smoothly and according to plan. This experience highlighted the skills and benefits of working collaboratively towards a common goal. By collaborating with others, we were able to share ideas, support each other, and divide tasks, which helped to reduce the workload and ensure that everyone was working towards the same objective. Moreover, working collaboratively allowed us to develop stronger relationships and trust, which helped to enhance the overall success of the event. This experience has emphasized the importance of teamwork and collaboration in achieving common goals and has provided me with valuable skills that I can apply in future endeavors.

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During the event, we engaged with issues of global significance, particularly the importance of education. We had insightful discussions about how education is a fundamental right that is not accessible to all individuals across the world. We acknowledged how privileged we are to study in a school with access to a plethora of resources that enhance our learning experiences. These discussions highlighted the need to value and appreciate the educational opportunities we have and to strive to extend these opportunities to those who are less fortunate.LO7 –
This experience helped me recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions in several ways. Firstly, our discussions about the importance of education highlighted the ethical imperative of ensuring that everyone has access to educational opportunities, regardless of their socio-economic background or geographical location. This made me more aware of the ethical implications of choices that may limit access to education or perpetuate inequalities in educational outcomes.

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