Educational trip to Mount Abu!

I regularly engage myself in various different physical pursuits: Badminton, Lawn Tennis, Swimming, meditation, mat exercises, trekking, outdoor walks, etc. I had a fair share of trips to localities surrounded by a water body but I mostly connect well with meadows, mountains, forests, and valley-based treks. So when I heard of this opportunity to experience […]

Volunteering For Universities Fair

As a participant in the University Fair organized within our school, my engagement in this CAS experience has been a transformative journey, allowing me to explore and develop various skills while addressing the learning outcomes set forth in the CAS program. Moreover, this CAS experience focuses on activity component of CAS. The experience of volunteering […]

Diya painting and distributing among poor people

LO 2– Purchasing the diyas and painting them was an endeavor that presented several challenges. First, I had to locate disabled individuals who were willing to sell their diyas. This required extensive research and networking. Second, the actual painting process demanded patience, precision, and creativity. By overcoming these challenges, I developed essential skills such as […]