Satellite Masterclass on Mars Rover Mission(Starlab)

A satellite masterclass is a comprehensive training session that provides you with a full grasp of satellite technology and mission. The course was designed and delivered by experts in aviation engineering and satellite technology. Lectures, hands-on exercises, and case studies comprise the masterclass. The purpose of this masterclass is to give you information and skills […]

Global Odyssey 3.0 – Accounts and Food Team

I was a member of the Global Odyssey 3.0 event’s Accounts and FoodTeam, where we were all in charge of the funds during the event. LO-3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience As members of the organizing committee, we embarked on thorough preparations well in advance, fully aware of the challenges posed by […]

Organizing university fair in school (CAS project)

In undertaking the organization of a University Fair as part of my CAS project, I embraced the opportunity to connect my school community with institutions from around the world. There were around 71 universities from 10 different countries. This endeavor allowed me to explore the dynamics of event planning, cultural diversity, and the significance of […]