The Mount Abu trekking trip that will always be remembered ,this trip made me realize my strengths, and my weaknesses and more over getting to know myself a little better. We did end numbers of activities such as trekking, caving, rappelling,mountain climbing and other camp activities on this trip. The fun of gossiping till late at night, […]


All kinds of organizations face the basic management problem of how to get the resources necessary to finance their activities and achieve their objectives. With this in mind, nonprofit organizations (NPOs) are distinct from other organizations as they typically rely on multiple sources of funding including, e.g., membership dues, private and corporate giving, government grants […]

Global Odyssey

The Global Odyssey program provides experience, either immersive or through a special class, in order to spark my global curiosity and develop my global competence.Through Global Odyssey, students are given a unique opportunity to relate to and experience the world, fostering in them the ability to understand and act on issues of global significance.We, the students of grade 11 […]


This entrepreneurship programme includes strategic thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills of an entrepreneur . These skills would allow me to cope up better with challenges in my day to day life. Nurturing a culture of entrepreneurship spirit will also help me in creating and achieving realistic goals.I will be learning more about the main idea […]

ADVERTISING COURSE ( by clever harvey)

The Advertising course is an in-depth study of concepts, designing, marketing, communication, strategies, planning of advertising marketing. So, I thought  taking up this task and I collaborated with Domino’s through clever harvey. Where I created the ad, I also have to solve a special challenge for the marketing team of Dominos, given by the Domino’s CMO. Advertising courses main […]