OMUN (Online Model United Nations) is an online MUN program. I attended a meeting for  The Human Rights council debate regarding SDG 3 (Question of providing equitable and financially accessible healthcare for disabled individuals in developing regions) LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth I was very hesitant in the starting of the session , […]

Service trip to Manav Sadhna

[embedyt][/embedyt] In September 2022, I participated in an event called Race to embrace. The school organized this event intending to foster peer-to-peer discussion of life’s big issues so that we can all learn from one another’s experiences and support one another in completely accepting life’s paradoxes and mysteries. Nimesh Patel, also known as “Nimo,” was […]

Learning a new song on Keyboard

Playing keyboard is my passion and I have years of experience playing it. However, for 1-2 years I stopped playing keyboard because of studying. Hereby, CAS gave me an opportunity to revive that passion and relive playing keyboard. Therefore, this experience. I started playing keyboard by first practicing the basics, from pressing keys to chords […]