CAS Experience 2 – Robin Hood Army

Robin Hood Army is a volunteer-based NPO that works to get surplus food from restaurants to the less fortunate sections of society and I have volunteered in several such drives. This experience was a service for me wherein I volunteered in donating food items and clothes and even taught underprivileged students through academic drives. In […]

CAS Experience 1 – School Community Service- ICT Service

For one of my CAS experiences, I volunteered with many other students to teach students ICT skills to underprivileged children. This occurred over the weekend, With 6 Sessions and a total of 9 Teaching Hours to Students from 23rd July 2022 to 7th August 2023, There was a defiled list of the skill sets that […]

Skill-Based activities with unprivileged children

While studying in an IB school I have learnt several life skills which will help me develop myself better. Considering the advantage and importance of this privilege, I thought to pass it on to the students who have deprived of the same. I visited different government and underprivileged schools in the villages where we will […]