Kalakriti interschool school drama competition

Participation in inter-school Kalkriti drama competition.  I have always wanted to perform on stage. My school gave me this amazing opportunity to choose theater as an AS activity. During my time while I was exploring theaters, I learned amazing techniques about drama. Also the theater was a break for me from my daily life. It […]

Global Odyssey 3.0

The Global Odyssey 3.0 is an annual event that provides students with an opportunity to learn about business formation and management. The event took place on  February 23,2023 and was organized and participated by Economics and Business Management students and teachers also. And in this event there various types/categories of stall such as fun, fashion, […]

Being a part of organizing committee in the FSMUN | Creativity

FSMUN, or Fountainhead School Model United Nations, is an event where students take on the roles of delegates from various nations and try to find solutions to real-world issues. I contributed my creativity by being a part of the organizing committee. I volunteered at the event and assisted with decoration, and committee supervision throughout the […]