Making an application for spreading awarness about stray dogs

As a conscientious member of society, I’ve observed that numerous stray dogs in the community are suffering and being overlooked. Witnessing their dire circumstances has prompted me to take action. To tackle this issue, I’ve chosen to employ my coding abilities to produce an application that offers fundamental knowledge on the predicament of stray dogs […]

Farewell Dance- Creativity

In keeping with our school’s tradition, juniors always have been responsible for giving a memorable farewell to their seniors. I was on the dance team. Preparing our seniors’ farewell dance was not an easy task and took days to complete with some songs. We had to brainstorm ideas countless times and rehearse each step and check if that fits with each song. Our team not only danced, but […]


I enrolled in a great learning front end development – Html online course. I chose this CAS experience because I’m curious about structure of a web page and want to learn more about it. My CAS experience allowed me to gain a solid foundation of and knowledge of the fundamentals of Html. LO1: Identify own strengths and […]

Photography Club (Click it)

I took part in “Clickit,” a photographic group that was run in the school. We learned about various photographic techniques, photographic angles, and terms like exposure, shutter speed, aperture, ISO, etc. in the photography club. We also studied some fundamentals of photo editing. I will now have a greater idea of how photography is done, what […]